
How To Make Yahoo My Homepage In Windows 8

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If you utilize Yahoo! a lot, y'all may want to change your browser home page to the Yahoo! site. This will allow you to hands admission Yahoo! services whenever yous beginning your browser. The process varies depending on the browser that yous use.

  1. 1

    Click the Chrome Carte button (☰) and select Settings. This volition open your Chrome settings in a new tab.

  2. two

    Cheque the "Testify Dwelling house button" box. You'll find this in the "Appearance" department. The Habitation button will appear to the left of your address bar.


  3. iii

    Click the "Change" link that appears beneath the box. This will permit y'all set up the page that opens when you click the Domicile push.

  4. 4

    Select "Open this folio" and enter the Yahoo! page you desire to showtime on. Enter the Yahoo! address that you want to set as your dwelling page:

    • Yahoo! Search:
    • Yahoo! Post:
    • Yahoo! News:
    • Yahoo! Shopping:
  5. 5

    Select "Open a specific folio or ready of pages" in the "On startup" section. This will allow y'all to fix Chrome to load Yahoo! whenever you showtime it for the beginning time.

  6. 6

    Click the "Set pages" link. You'll be able to enter addresses to open up when Chrome starts. Each accost yous enter will start in a separate tab.

  7. 7

    Enter in the Yahoo! pages you want to load when Chrome starts. These pages volition load whenever Chrome starts for the first time.[1]

  8. Advertisement

  1. 1

    Click the Tools menu or the Gear push and select "Internet options." If you don't encounter the Tools menu, printing Alt .

  2. 2

    Enter the Yahoo! accost that yous want to set into the "Home folio" field. You should see this at the top of the "General" tab. You lot can enter more addresses, each on their own line. Additional addresses will open up in separate tabs.

    • Yahoo! Search:
    • Yahoo! Mail:
    • Yahoo! News:
    • Yahoo! Shopping:
  3. iii

    Ensure that "Start with dwelling house page" is selected. Yous'll find this in the "Startup" section of the "General" tab. This will brand your Yahoo! page(due south) open up whenever Internet Explorer starts.

  4. four

    Click "OK" to save your changes. Your new home page will be set, and Yahoo! will load whenever Internet Explorer starts.

  5. Advertisement

  1. 1

    Click the Firefox Menu push (☰) and select options. Your Firefox settings will open up in a new tab.

  2. two

    Click the "Abode Folio" field" and enter the Yahoo! page you want. By default, Firefox volition load whatever address is in the Dwelling house Page field when you start information technology.

    • Yahoo! Search:
    • Yahoo! Postal service:
    • Yahoo! News:
    • Yahoo! Shopping:
  3. 3

    Ensure that "Show my domicile folio" is selected from the "When Firefox starts" bill of fare. This will load the page you set whenever Firefox starts or when you click the Domicile button.

    • Your changes are saved automatically.
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  1. 1

    Click the Menu button (...) and select "Settings." This will open up the Settings sidebar.

  2. 2

    Click "A specific page or pages" from the "Open with" department. This will permit you to gear up specific pages to open when Edge starts.

  3. 3

    Select "Custom" from the drop-down carte that appears. Information technology will say "MSN" by default.

  4. iv

    Type the Yahoo! address y'all want to set into the text field. The field will take "well-nigh:beginning" written in it past default.

    • Yahoo! Search:
    • Yahoo! Mail service: postal
    • Yahoo! News:
    • Yahoo! Shopping:
  5. v

    Click the Salvage (disk) button after typing the address. This volition save the address as your new start page.

    • Note: Microsoft Edge does non accept a Home button, and then at that place is no "home" page. These settings simply touch the Showtime page that loads when you first start Edge.
  6. Advertizing

  1. 1

    Click the Safari or Edit bill of fare and select "Preferences." This will open the Safari Preferences menu.

  2. ii

    Click the "Safari opens with" menu and select "Homepage." This will set up Safari to load your home folio whenever yous start it.

  3. 3

    Click the "Homepage" field and enter the Yahoo! site you desire. This site will open up every time you showtime Safari.[2]

    • Yahoo! Search:
    • Yahoo! Mail:
    • Yahoo! News:
    • Yahoo! Shopping:
  4. iv

    Add the Home button to the toolbar. Past default, Safari does non include the Home button in the toolbar. Adding information technology will permit y'all to quickly render to your Yahoo! habitation page.[three]

    • Click the View carte du jour and select "Customize Toolbar."
    • Drag the Dwelling house push button into the Safari toolbar to add it.
  5. Advertisement

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    Why does the address of my homepage display extra characters?

    Luigi Oppido

    Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, information recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is too the host of the Computer Man Bear witness! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over ii years.

    Luigi Oppido

    Computer & Tech Specialist

    Skilful Answer

    If y'all navigate to the folio, then click on the page and set up it every bit your webpage, it volition ofttimes save a lot of actress metadata that you'll meet in the address bar. Instead, I recommend changing your homepage through your settings—that way, you tin can just type in the webpage y'all want to use directly, without that metadata.

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  • Yous can't ready your domicile page for most mobile browsers, equally they typically just load the last pages that were open up.

  • If you alter your dwelling page to Yahoo! but information technology keeps changing to something else, y'all may accept an adware infection. Meet Remove Malware for instructions on removing any redirects and browser hijackers y'all may take.


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