
How To Renew Ssl Certificate On Windows Server 2016


Renewing an SSL certificate on IIS has never been easier

If you're thinking of renewing or updating your SSL/TLS document on your IIS server, then you're thinking in the right direction. And not only that, but you've landed in the perfect place to larn how to renew your SSL certificate on the IIS server – whether it'south IIS version v, six, 7, 8, viii.five, or x. In this mail, we've broken downwardly the IIS SSL/TLS renewal process in simple steps that will get your SSL cert renewed in no time!

Permit'south go started!

Renew SSL Certificate on IIS 5, six & 7 (This will take hash code to directly the reader to this particular part of the article)

Renew SSL Certificate on IIS eight, 8.v & 10 (This will have hash code to direct the reader to this particular office of the commodity)

Renew SSL Certificate on IIS 5, 6 & 7 Server

The process of renewing SSL/TLS on IIS five, half dozen, and seven can be divided into 3 parts: CSR generation, SSL renewal, and Installing the new SSL document. Allow's take a expect at each of them in a unproblematic serial of steps.

Generate an SSL Document Renewal CSR in Microsoft IIS 5, 6 & vii Server

  1. First, go to First > Administrative Tools > Net Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. In the left pane named Connections, click on your server's hostname.
  3. In the middle pane, you should see various options for your server. Double-click on the Server Certificates icon.
  4. In the right pane named Actions, click on Create Certificate Request
  5. Now you'll be asked information to generate a new CSR. This is what each field ways:

Common Proper noun: Your domain name (e.k.,

Organization: Legally registered proper noun of your organization/company (e.g., Your Company, LLC; Your Company, Inc.)

Organizational unit: The department of your organization (If you don't know what to put, just enter 'Information technology').

Metropolis/locality: The metropolis/municipality where your organization is located.

State/province: The land where your organization is located.

Country/region: Your country's abbreviated two-letter country lawmaking.

  • Click on Adjacent.
  • Select Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider as a Cryptographic service provider and 2048 every bit Bit Length.
  • Click Next.
  • Specify your convenient location to store your newly generated CSR.
  • Click Finish.

Renew Your SSL Certificate On Windows Server

The SSL renewal process isn't the same for anybody, every bit it depends on where yous purchased your SSL document from. Yous demand to log into your account (of the platform where you purchased your SSL) and submit a renewal request by pasting your new CSR. In one case the certificate authority (CA) has received your renewal request, it will conduct a verification process (similar information technology did at the time when you bought your SSL certificate the first time).

Once the vetting process is over, the CA will issue the new (renewed) SSL certificate to you. Yous're supposed to install this certificate on your IIS server.

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Install Your Renewed SSL Certificate on IIS Server

  1. First, salvage the certificate to the same server from where you lot had generated your CSR.
  2. Open up your IIS Manager.
  3. In the left pane named Connections, click on your server's hostname.
  4. In the middle pane, y'all should see various options for your server. Double-click on the Server Certificates icon.
  5. In the right pane named Actions, click on Consummate Certificate Asking…
  6. Click on the iii dots (…) to browse to the .CER certificate file of your renewed SSL certificate.
  7. At present give the certificate a friendly name that will exist like shooting fish in a barrel for you to refer to in the future and click OK.
  8. Nether the Connections pane, expand your server'south figurer proper noun, and and then click the website that y'all want to enable SSL on.
  9. Go to the Actions menu and click on Bindings.
  10. In the Site Bindings pop-up, select https and click on Edit…
  11. At present in the Add Site Binding pop-up, cull your renewed SSL (its friendly proper name) and click OK.
  12. Get to the SSL Checker tool to verify your SSL installation and check for its new expiry date.

Congratulations! You have only renewed your SSL certificate on your IIS server.

Renew SSL Certificate on IIS viii, 8.5 & x

The progression of renewing SSL on IIS viii, 8.5, or 10 can be separated into three sections: CSR generation, SSL renewal, and Installing the new SSL document. Let's take a look at each of them!

Generate an SSL Certificate Renewal CSR in Microsoft IIS 8, 8.5 & 10

  1. Commencement, go to Start and type Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and click on it.
  2. In the left pane named Connections, click on your server's hostname.
  3. In the middle pane, you should see various options for your server. Double-click on the Server Certificates icon.
  4. In the right pane named Actions, click on Create Certificate Request
  5. At present, in the Distinguished Proper name Properties page, you'll be asked information to generate new CSR. This is what each field means:

Mutual Name: Your domain name (eastward.thousand.,

Organisation: Legally registered name of your arrangement/company (e.g., Your Company, LLC; Your Visitor, Inc.)

Organizational unit of measurement: The department of your organization (If you don't know what to put just enter 'IT').

Metropolis/locality: The city/municipality where your organization is located.

Country/province: The state where your organisation is located.

Land/region: Your country's abbreviated ii-alphabetic character country lawmaking.

  • Click on Next.
  • In the Cryptographic Service Provider Properties pop-up, select Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider equally Cryptographic service provider and 2048 as Bit Length.
  • Click Side by side.
  • Specify your convenient location to store your newly generated CSR.
  • Click Finish.

Renew Your SSL Certificate

See previous "Renew Your SSL Certificate" section equally information technology'south the same direction.

Install Your Renewed SSL Document on IIS Server

  1. First, salve the certificate to the aforementioned server from where yous had generated your CSR.
  2. Open your IIS Manager.
  3. In the left pane named Connections, click on your server'due south hostname.
  4. In the eye pane, y'all should encounter various options for your server. Double-click on the Server Certificates icon.
  5. In the right pane named Actions, click on Consummate Certificate Request…
  6. Now, in the Specify Certificate Authority Response page, click on 3 dots (…) to browse to the .cer certificate file that y'all received from your document authority (CA). Give your certificate a friendly name that's easy for you to refer to in the futurity and select an advisable document store.
  7. Click on OK.
  8. Now go back to IIS Manager and, in the left pane, expand your server's name. Expand Sites and select the website on which you want to install an SSL document.
  9. In the Deportment pane on the right, click on Bindings…
  10. In the Site Bindings popular-upward, click on https and and then click Edit.
  11. Now in the Edit Site Bounden window, select the SSL certificate by its friendly proper noun.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Go to the SSL Checker tool to verify your SSL installation and check for its new decease date.

Congratulations! You lot made to the end of the "How to Renew Your SSL Document on IIS" process!


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