
How To Install Onedrive In Windows 10

OneDrive enables you to sync files and folders between your computer and the deject, so you can access them from anywhere on a desktop device, mobile device, and a browser. If you add, edit, or delete a file or folder in your OneDrive folder, these changes volition be reflected in all OneDrive locations.

Y'all can work with your synced files directly in File Explorer and access your files fifty-fifty when you're offline. When yous are side by side online, whatsoever changes that yous or others have made volition sync automatically. File transparency and visibility prevents information silos from forming and ensures that everyone has access to the most electric current version of shared documents.

This Tech Tip outlines how to install and setup the OneDrive app and sign in with your work account, and then you tin become started syncing. Note: This Tech Tip assumes that y'all are using Windows 10.

Install OneDrive

If yous have Windows x, OneDrive is already built-in to your PC. Skip to Set-upward OneDrive. If you are using another version of Windows, you can install OneDrive here. Run the setup wizard.

Gear up-up OneDrive

1. Select the Start button on the taskbar, search for OneDrive, and open the app.

two. When OneDrive Setup starts, enter your Microsoft Work business relationship email address.

3. Select Sign in.

OneDrive Folder Location

During this set-up y'all volition be asked to confirm the location of your OneDrive folder. If you lot are satisfied with the default binder location for your OneDrive files, select Side by side. If you lot desire to change the folder location, select Change location.

Files on Demand

Side by side, the All your files, set and on-demand screen will appear. This screen will explicate how files are marked according to their availability status.

Files can exist classified equally online-just, locally available, or e'er available.

Files On-Need helps yous access all your files in OneDrive without needing to download all of them and use storage space on your Windows device.

To continue the set up-up, select Next. Your OneDrive files volition now exist visible in File Explorer in the OneDrive folder.

You volition besides have a blue cloud icon in your taskbar notification surface area.

The OneDrive deject icon will announced as OneDrive – [YourTenantName] when you hover over the icon.

What is OneDrive?

OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud hosting service that stores and protects files. OneDrive is function of the Function 365 product suite and is accessible via desktop, mobile and spider web devices.


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