The ADSI Edit tool (Active Directory Service Interface Editor) is a special mmc snap-in. It allows you to connect to various Active Directory database partitions (NTDS.dit) or to the LDAP server via Active Directory Service Interfaces. The ADSI Edit tool allows you to create, modify, and delete objects in Active Directory, edit attributes, perform searches, and and then on.

In Windows Server 2003, the ADSIEdit.msc snap-in was a part of the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools. You had to download and install it manually. To register snap-ins, the command regsvr32 adsiedit.dll was used.

Modern Windows versions have ADSIEdit.msc included in RSAT. It is installed equally a function of the AD DS Snap-ins and Command Line Tools feature. Become to Remote Server Administration Tools > Office Administration Tools > Advert DS and Advertizement LDS Tools.

adsi edit

To install the ADSI Edit Console on desktop OS versions (Windows 10 and Windows 11), open the PowerShell console as an administrator and install the Active Directory Administrative Tools from RSAT:

Add together-WindowsCapability –online –Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~0.0.i.0


Afterwards installing the component, press Win+R and type adsiedit.msc to first ADSI Edit. Or you tin run ADSI Edit from Command Panel\System and Security\Authoritative Tools.

adsi edit tool

Important annotation. The ADSI Edit snap-in in Active Directory editing features resembles the Windows registry editor. Not all Windows settings tin can be changed through the graphical GUI or Group Policies. Sometimes, to solve a complex problem, the administrator has to brand changes directly to the Windows registry.

Similarly, Active Directory Users and Computers or PowerShell cmdlets could exist not plenty when solving complex problems in Active Directory. You tin directly make changes to the AD database through the ADSI Edit. However, ADSI Edit bypasses all common safeguard AD mechanisms. It means you tin damage or destroy your AD database with incorrect Advertisement changes using adsiedit.msc. That's why it'south recommended to back upwards Agile Directory before using this tool.

Correct-click on the root in the ADSI Edit and select Connect to.

adsi edit windows 10

Here y'all tin can choose which Connection Betoken, Naming Context, or remote estimator with LDAP database you lot want to connect to.

If you do not know the exact Connectedness Signal Distinguished Name or Naming Contexts, you can select ane of the known Naming Context:

  • Default naming context;
  • Configuration;
  • RootDSE;
  • Schema.

If your LDAP server (or domain controller) is secured with an SSL certificate, then you must check the Utilize SSL-based Encryption pick to apply the LDAPS protocol.


To open the ADUC-like AD view, select the Default naming context and printing OK. A new root partition volition appear in the left pane, which yous tin aggrandize. As you can run across, in this mode the ADSI Edit panel displays all containers and OUs in AD in a hierarchical tree view.

Note that the Default Naming Context and other levels of the hierarchy in ADSI Edit are not displayed until a node is clicked on.

There are also subconscious AD service containers in the panel that are not displayed by default in ADUC. You can navigate in the AD hierarchy, select modify, move, delete, rename whatsoever objects (computers, users, groups).

For example, we volition navigate to the OU with users, select a user and display a listing of bachelor deportment in the context menu. As you can see, in addition to typical operations with an AD object (Motility, New, Delete, Rename), you can reset the Active Directory user's countersign. Also, notation that the CN (Approved Name) and Distinguished Name are displayed instead of the object proper noun.

what is adsi edit

To edit object properties through ADSI Edit, go to the desired container and open the properties of the Agile Directory object yous need.

On the Attribute Editor tab, you can view or edit any user properties in Advertising.

By default, the ADSI Editor console displays all of the object'south attributes in Active Directory (according to the object'due south grade). ADSI Edit displays all attributes of an object, fifty-fifty those that do not announced in the Agile Directory user and calculator interface.

Both filled and empty attributes are displayed (with the value <not gear up>). You lot tin can use the Filter push to customize the display options for object attributes.

The following filter options are available:

  • Evidence only attributes that have values — if you lot enable this option, all attributes with empty values volition be hidden;
  • Show only writable attributes — allows you to brandish only those attributes that can be edited by the user who launched the ADSIEdit snap-in (depending on the permissions delegated to the user account in Active Directory);
  • Show mandatory attributes;
  • Bear witness optional attributes;
  • Show read-merely attributes (Constructed, Backlinks, or Organisation-only).

adsi edit windows server 2016

To change the value of whatsoever aspect of an object, yous need to double click on it, set up a new value, and save the changes.


Delight notation that amidst the attributes of objects there are different data types (Integer, String, MultiString, Time, etc). The values of the attributes containing the fourth dimension/date in the ADSI Object Attribute Editor console are displayed in their normal course, merely if yous endeavour to edit them, you will see that they are stored in the Active Directory database in the Timestamp format.

adsi editor

Side by side, we will await at examples of actions that can be performed using the ADSIEdit console.

Hide OU in Active Directory

For example, you want to hide one of the AD containers in the ADUC snap-in. To do this, you need to open the OU properties and change the showInAdvancedViewOnly attribute from False (or Not Ready) to True.

To check the current AD schema version via ADSI Edit:

  1. Select Schema as well-known Naming Context;
  2. Expand Schema, right-click CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=theitbros,DC=com, and select Properties;
  3. Bank check the objectVersion value;
  4. In our case, it is 69. This number corresponds to a Schema level: Windows Server 2012 R2.

Adding Additional Columns to the ADUC Console

By default, just a specific list of attributes is displayed in the Active Directory Users and Computers panel. A complete list of attributes that can be displayed in ADUC is available in the View > Add together/Remove Columns carte. But in that location is no operatingSystem attribute in this list. Yous can add the operatingSystem aspect to the list of available columns in the ADUC console via ADSIEdit.

adsi active directory

  1. Run the AdisEdit.msc and connect to Configuration Naming Context; adsi edit download
  2. Navigate to CN=DisplaySpecifiers > CN=409 and open up the backdrop of the CN=organizationalUnit-Brandish object;
  3. Find the extraColumns property in the attribute editor advertisement add the value: operatingSystem,Operating Organization,0,150,0

    Hint. The format is used used: <ldapDisplayName>,<Column Title>,<Displayed by default>,<Column Width>,<unused>

    how to use adsi edit

  4. Relieve the changes in ADSI, go to ADUC and cheque if the operatingSystem attribute is now displayed in the console.
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Cyril Kardashevsky

I enjoy technology and developing websites. Since 2012 I'grand running a few of my ain websites, and share useful content on gadgets, PC administration and website promotion.

Cyril Kardashevsky