
How To Calculate Window Size

Screen Size Computer

Created past Hanna Pamuła , PhD candidate and Wojciech Sas , PhD candidate

Last updated:

Mar 22, 2022

Table of contents:
  • What is the aspect ratio?
  • What does a 5.eight-inch phone mean?
  • How can I use the screen size calculator?
  • How to measure out a curved Goggle box screen size?
  • FAQ

The screen size calculator can help you in determining the screen dimensions. Have y'all always wondered what does information technology mean that diagonal of the screen is equal to xl"? How much infinite does information technology take on the wall, what's its peak and width? Here you can decide the monitor size or phone screen dimensions. If you're curious plenty, you tin can even determine how to measure out a curved Boob tube screen size!

If you want to find the ideal size of your TV or its altitude from your eyes, bank check out this Idiot box size calculator. Another useful tool is this slap-up projector calculator, which can help in fulfilling your dreams nigh a abode picture palace.

What is the attribute ratio?

Aspect ratio is the relationship between the height and width of a rectangular display. Every device with a screen uses that value - your laptop, smartphone, tablet, monitor, or projector. However, it doesn't tell y'all how large a screen is. It only explains the proportion betwixt the peak and the width.

What does a 5.8-inch phone mean?

The value v.8-inch stands for the diagonal of the screen. If you lot want to bank check whether that smartphone will fit in your pocket, you volition need to know one more parameter - either the attribute ratio, the width, or the screen's height. In our example, permit'south presume the aspect ratio is given and it equals 16:9:

Bones formulas await as follows:

  1. diagonal² = tiptop² + width² - from pythagorean theorem;
  2. AR = width / pinnacle - information technology'southward the attribute ratio;
  3. surface area = width * height - area of a rectangle.

But we need to transform it to our needs:

  • pinnacle = diagonal / √(AR²+1), where AR is the aspect ratio

    height = 5.8" / √((16/ix)² + 1) = 5.8" / 2.04 = two.84"

  • width = AR * tiptop

    width = (16/9) * 2.84" = 5.06"

  • expanse = height * width

    area = ii.84" * 5.06" = xiv.37 in²

Great! Now we know the screen area and how tall and broad it is. The screen size calculator is here for you to calculate it correct away.

How can I utilise the screen size reckoner?

Permit's say we desire to compare two smartphones: The Apple iPhone X with a five.85-inch display and the iPhone 8 Plus, which has a 5.5-inch screen. We could expect that the former has a bigger screen, but we can't forget nearly aspect ratios! iPhone 10 has a narrower screen with a ii.17:1 ratio, and iPhone 8 Plus has a standard sixteen:9.

  1. Cull the attribute ratio. Let's start with iPhone Ten with the attribute ratio equal to 2.17:1. As that ratio is still non very pop, you can't select it from a driblet-down carte du jour - write it down manually in advanced options fields. The first value of the attribute ratio is 2.17, and the 2nd value is 1.
  2. Enter the diagonal. iPhone X's is equal to 5.85".
  3. As a issue, you obtain screen dimensions: width and height but also screen area. In our instance, those are equal to v.5", 2.03", and 11.11 in².

Repeat the steps for iPhone viii Plus, choosing a 16:9 aspect ratio and v.5-inch diagonal. And what do y'all get? four.8" for screen width, 2.7" superlative, and 12.93 in² screen size. So even though the showtime iPhone has a longer diagonal, the screen size is smaller than in iPhone 8 plus. (iPhone X as well has the big cutout and the curved edges, but we are not taking them into account - even with that simplification, the screen surface area is smaller).

How to measure out a curved Idiot box screen size?

Our screen size figurer offers the possibility to estimate both a flat and curved screen size. As we've already learned how to go on with a flat monitor, let's see the differences for a curved ane.

The basic characteristics of a curved screen are a diagonal, an aspect ratio, and a curvature rating. You lot can measure the diagonal of a curved monitor analogously to a apartment 1. The only thing you need to remember is to touch the screen with a measuring tape. The curvature rating tells almost the radius of a circle that encompasses the screen. Typically, the producers provide the curvature rating in millimeters, so 1800R denotes the monitor that fits inside the circumvolve of a radius equal to 1800 mm. Accept a look at the prototype to compare curved screens of different curvature ratings.

The comparison of curved screens with different curvature ratings.

How exercise I measure a curved TV screen size, so? - you lot may ask. To evaluate the screen's length, pinnacle, and area, we can follow the same equations every bit for a apartment one:

  • pinnacle = diagonal / √(AR²+i);
  • length = AR * height; and
  • area = height * length.
Picture of curved screen with depicted base depth, screen length, base width, and radius.

The crucial geometric difference between the curved and flat monitor is that the curved one occupies more than infinite perpendicular to the screen from a user'southward point of view while beingness a little narrower at the aforementioned time. Nosotros call these dimensions depth and width, respectively. To avoid any confusion, we tin depict all of the essential measures in a single flick.

Assuming the screen's length is the arc length of a circumvolve, we can find the base depth and width with using the following formulas which nosotros use in the screen size calculator:

  • base depth = radius * (1 - cos(length / (2 * radius)));
  • base width = 2 * radius * sin(length / (ii * radius)).


How do I calculate diagonal screen size?

To calculate the size of a screen'south diagonal:

  1. Measure the length and width of the screen in question.
  2. Square both measurements and add them together.
  3. Find the square root of the summand.
  4. You've establish your diagonal screen size!

How do I calculate screen size?

To summate screen size:

  1. Measure the length and width of the screen in the same units.
  2. Multiply both numbers together to get the screen size - the area of the screen.
  3. If you're afterward the size of the screen'southward diagonal, you lot can either measure information technology or utilize Pythagoras' theorem where a & b are the screen's length and width.

How big is a 16:9 screen?

The size of a xvi:9 screen depends on how long the screen'southward diagonal is, as 16:9 is merely the ratio of the screens width to its pinnacle. If yous have the screens diagonal, y'all can multiply that measurement by 0.872 to get the screen's width. You tin besides multiply the diagonal past 0.49 to get the screen'due south height. Then, if you wish to discover the screen area, multiply the width by the height.

How wide is a 120 inch screen?

How broad a 120 inch screen is depends on the screen'due south attribute ratio:

  • For a standard aspect ratio of 16:9, a diagonal of 120 inches equals a width of 266 cm;
  • For an aspect ratio of 16:x, a 120 inch screen is 258 cm wide; and
  • An ultrawide screen with an aspect ratio of 21:9 volition exist 281 cm broad.

Hanna Pamuła , PhD candidate and Wojciech Sas , PhD candidate

xvi:9 (4K / HD / FHD Television set, computer)

Flat screen with marked dimensions.

For other brandish sizes, hit Advanced mode button and input custom values.

3D return time Attribute ratio Sound file size … 25 more


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