
How To Create A Universe In Information Design Tool

Create Universe using Information Design Tool (IDT)

  1. Open Information Design Tool

  1. Create New Project

  2. Enter Project Name. You can also change the location of file location. Click Finish.

  3. You empty project is created.

  4. Right Click on the project -> New -> Relational Connection

  5. Enter Resource name and description & click "Next >"

  6. Choose Microsoft à MS SQL Server 2005 à OLE DB Provider & click "Next >"

  7. Provide information to connect to database. Test the connection. Remaining no need to change any option. Click "Finish"

  8. Local connection is ready.

  9. Publish connection to the repository

  10. If connection is not open system will ask for password. Press "Connect"

  11. Once connection established now you can publish the connection by pressing "Finish".

  12. You will receive a publish successfully message. Now press "Yes" to create a shortcut to local folder.

  13. Shortcut created message.

  14. Keep the shortcut connection & delete the local connection.

  15. Select project à Right Click à New à Data Foundation

  16. Enter Resource name & description. Press "Next >"

  17. Select default option "Single Source" & click "Next >"

  18. Select the connection available & click "Finish".

  19. Data foundation created as below.

  20. Now add tables required to build universe

  21. Select the Tables required to build universe. Select options Detect Keys, Detect Joins & Detect cardinalities options.

  1. For each master Table select the key filed & set as foreign key. Also, detect the cardinality for each relation.

  2. Define relation between fact table and dimension table.

  3. Save the Data foundation.

  4. Create Business layer

  5. Select "Relational Data Source" option & click "Next >"

  6. Enter Resource name & description for new business layer & click "Next >"

  7. Select available Data foundation.

  8. Select Data foundation, make sure option checked "Automatically ….." & click "Finish"

  9. Business layer created successfully.

  10. Create two folders (a) Dimension (b) Measure. Rename all folders, move dimension folders under dimension & Measures to Measure folder.

    Delete the fields which are not applicable for this universe. Also, change Sales Quantity & Sales Value fields to Measure.

  11. Change aggregation function to "Sum" for Measures Sales Quantity & Sales Value.

  12. For checking the values, use Queries from Business Layer

  13. Now publish the business layer to repository as universe.

  14. Check all & check Integrity. Ignore the warnings & click "Next >".

  15. Publish successfully.

  16. Open BI launch pad.

  17. Open Web Intelligence Application.

  18. Create New document option, select Universe & Click "OK"

  19. Select appropriate universe from the list.

  20. Drag & Drop the fields as below and run query.

  21. Final output of the report.

How To Create A Universe In Information Design Tool


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